Intercoast Colleges
offer hands-on programs!
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InterCoast Puts Your Career on Target
The Education and skills training you will receive here at InterCoast is directed toward the development of technical skills and knowledge, along with the development of professional attitudes and behaviors related to study and work habits, and more.
We offer programs in:
• Medical
• Legal
• Business
• Computer Professions
• Technology
InterCoast has a passion for educating students and helping them achieve their career goals. InterCoast prepares students for entry level positions in challenging careers.

Careers on Target
The Education and skills training you will receive here at InterCoast is directed toward the development of technical skills and knowledge, along with the development of professional attitudes and behaviors related to study and work habits, interpersonal communication skills, self discipline, and confidence.
• Morning, Afternoon, Evening, and Weekend Schedules
• Lifetime Career Assistance
• Small Class Sizes ensure better Student/Teacher Ratios
• Professional Certification Programs
• Convenient Locations
• Real World Experience & Training
Mission Statement
The central mission of InterCoast is to provide Associates Degree and Diploma level educational career program designed to prepare students to succeed in the medical, legal, business, and technical industries by enabling them to meet the highest expectations of employers for entry level professions. Each program shares this mission.
For more information about graduation rates, the median debt of students who completed the program and other important information, visit www.intercoast.edu. Not all programs are available at all locations and not every program is enrolling at this time. Please call for more information. Financial aid is available to those who qualify.