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We make your future career our top priority

We provide career-focused programs designed to prepare our graduates with the experiences and skills that employers expect. Starting with our admissions process, we will work with you to see which program is best suited for your interests and skills. Once you enroll, you will discover what we mean by career-focused education. While some post-secondary schools may require extra courses outside of your subject area, you will find that Seacoast Career Schools only require the subjects that you will need for your career. This saves you time and money, and gets you started in your new career faster.

Seacoast Career Schools offers accelerated programs

With our accelerated programs, you can gain the knowledge and develop the skills you need in a relatively short period of time. And the hands-on nature of our courses gives you the opportunity to try out your new skills before you start that first job.

Workplace Training through Externships

Our years in the field of adult education have taught us that learning by experience is one of the most effective ways to learn. At Seacoast Career Schools, we are proud to offer hands-on training experiences through our externship and internship placements. As one of your program requirements, you will be placed in a real work setting where you will get to use the new skills you have just attained. Whether it is working in a medical office, dental office, or our in-house massage spa, you will learn about the job responsibilities of your new chosen field. Externships and internships are a great way to learn about your future career, meet a few people who are already in your chosen field, and gain hands-on experience. Not only does your externship look good on your resume, but you also gain confidence in your skills as you set out to begin your career.

Career Services for Alumni

Seacoast Career Schools is committed to helping our current students as well as our past students in developing a meaningful career. If you are a Seacoast Career Schools graduate in good standing, we invite you to come back to our Career Services department for referrals, career advice, or refreshers on courses you have previously taken. We want Seacoast Career Schools graduates to find continued success in their career fields, and we are here to help. This is one of the many benefits of a Seacoast Career Schools education.


Seacoast Career Schools is institutionally accredited by the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education and Training (ACCET), a national accrediting organization approved by the U.S. Secretary of Education.
Accrediting Council for Continuing Education and Training
1722 N Street NW
Washington, DC 20036
Tel: 202-955-1113
Fax: 202-955-1118
Seacoast Career Schools Manchester Campus’ Professional Medical Assistant Program is programmatically accredited by (ABHES) Accrediting Bureau for Health Education Schools.